Return of Muni Metro Rail FAQs
Return of Muni Metro Rail FAQs By Mariana Maguire Map: Proposed new Muni Metro rail configuration. Recently, we shared the exciting announcement that Muni Metro Rail service will return in August with some time saving changes. For some customers, this is a big change and we know there are lots of questions! So, we complied answers to some of the most frequent ones we hear. Stay tuned for more information as we prepare to deliver more reliable, efficient rail service back to San Francisco. And please remember that Muni is still for essential trips only. You can help reduce crowding on transit by using other transportation options if they are available to you, like walking, biking, or our Essential Trip Card program. Unless you need to take transit for work, stay local and support your neighborhood businesses as they reopen. How are Muni Metro Rail routes changing and will any routes be eliminated? None of the Muni Metro rails lines are being eliminated. Rail service is...