Creating Sustainable Change in Downtown San Francisco
Creating Sustainable Change in Downtown San Francisco By Shayda Haghgoo Rendering of 6th Street between Market and Howard Streets When planning for new projects in Downtown San Francisco, the SFMTA must look at potential sites through multiple lenses: How did previous planning decisions that funnel traffic through the Tenderloin to freeway onramps in SoMa influence existing street conditions? How can we leverage quick-builds and capital streetscape projects now to make the streets safer not only today, but far into the future as well? This dual-pronged approach allowed the SFMTA to address immediate safety issues along 6th and Taylor streets while collaborating with San Francisco Public Works to bring capital improvements to these corridors. 6th and Taylor streets are among the 13% of city streets that account for 75% of severe traffic injuries and fatalities known as the Vision Zero high-injury network. The communities that live along these corridors largely con